Shah & Kari Pezeshk Consulting

Training on the Interface Theory of Organizational Energy, ITOE, started in the form of its predecessor "Structured Thinking" as early as 1991.

  1. Scheduled tasks for the implementation of ITOE to be executed by December of 2011
    1. Train consultants to do business or organizational diagnosis using the ITOE Theory (20-40 hours) in the following 6 regions :
      1. Australia 9
      2. Europe 19
      3. Asia 95
      4. North America 95
      5. South America 19
      6. Africa 19
    2. Creation of Websites, Blogs, presentations, publications of articles and books on the topic.  
    3. Translation of the dissertation on ITOE, conveying the basics of the theory into 6 major languages: French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic
    4. Diversification of training in 50 different professional categories
    5. Training Diversification in 50 different industries or organizations
    6. Daily, weekly, monthly commitments to a better world using ITOE
    7. Formulation and execution of projects and activities using ITOE

Suggested training materials, links, books, DVD's and other research sources: