On a lower level, innovation can be seen as a change in the thought process for doing something, or the useful application of new inventions or discoveries.[1] It may refer to incremental, emergent, or radical and revolutionary changes in thinking, products, processes, or organizations. Following Schumpeter (1934), contributors to the scholarly literature on innovation typically distinguish between invention, an idea made manifest, and innovation, ideas applied successfully in practice. In many fields, such as the arts, economics and government policy, something new must be substantially different to be innovative. In economics the change must increase value, customer value, or producer value. The goal of invention is positive change, to make someone or something better. Invention and introduction of it that leads to increased productivity is the fundamental source of increasing wealth in an economy.
Innovation management: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Innovation_management
The focus of innovation management is to allow the organization to respond to an external or internal opportunity, and use its creative efforts to introduce new ideas, processes or products.
Common tools include brainstorming, virtual prototyping, idea management, TRIZ, stage-gate process…
Change management: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Change_management
Implementing Change - Innovation Vs Transformation: http://ezinearticles.com/?Implementing-Change---Innovation-Vs-Transformation&id=3372010
After you have read the above material you may want to go to our website and explore why it is important to follow the UTOE principles on four levels in order to have a Sustainable Change. You may want to comment on the 4th, 7th, 8th and 9th principles applied to 4 layers of change and how they may help to implement a Sustainable Change.
Web Development:
Is your SEO hot or not? Let’s see if your site measures up.
You’ve learned about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), followed the steps to optimize your site, but now, how do you know if it’s working? One of the main reasons why SEO is so powerful and popular is because these measurements, also known as analytics, tell you the performance of your site’s SEO.
Setting goals for your SEO
It’s been said many times before that success is only success if you can measure it. That’s especially true for SEO. The basic goals of any SEO effort are to:
- Increase the visibility of your website on search engines
- Increase the quantity and quality of traffic to your website
- Get your visitors to do things you want them to do when they visit your site
The measures of success
To determine whether you’ve achieved your goals, you need to analyze:
- Page Views: This is the most basic measurement in SEO. Page views are simply the number of times your pages are viewed by people who browse the Web. Page views count all views, including multiple views by the same person. Unique page views, or page views that are filtered to only first-time views, provide a more accurate picture.
- Visitors: This is the number of people who have visited your site in a given amount of time.
- Impressions: The number of times your site appeared in the first three pages of search results are the impressions for a given search engine.
- Conversions: A conversion occurs when anyone who visits your Web site engages in a desired behavior. That behavior typically means buying your product or service, but it can be any other behavior, such as filling out a contact form, subscribing, or downloading a file. Increasing those conversions is the ultimate goal of any SEO effort.
Distinguish one term from another - common confusions!!
Optometrist vs Ophthalmologist, Do You Know The Difference? http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=22559
What is Escrow on Mortgage: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escrow#Real_estate
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intuition_(knowledge)
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constructive_proof
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_plane#Axioms
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_space
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_dimension
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyper